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DES Training & Education Program

We conduct regular educational sessions and training events related to the Disability Evaluation System (DES). We provide online, teleconference, and in-person support to Service Members, Veterans, military commands, professional organizations, and other law firms to share knowledge and spread the word regarding the DES.

The Warriors’ Lawyer excels at “preventive law” training.  We help provide answers and information to military units, health care providers, and individuals BEFORE the situation deteriorates.

We are willing to assist any group that wants to learn about the DES - regardless of the size or forum – from military administrative staff training, unit Safety Stand Downs, medical professional & hospital staff education, or state bar association conferences.    


The Warriors’ Lawyer knows that without raising awareness of the rights and responsibilities that all parties bear with regard to the DES, our veterans will continue to receive less than favorable disability determinations.  We want to teach you what you need to know!


If you need an expert opinion regarding a military Court Martial, Board for the Correction of Naval/Military Records (BCNR / BCMR), or Federal Court litigation, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for assistance.

Empty Chairs in Lecture Room

©2021 by The Warriors' Lawyer

The Warriors' Lawyer is an IRS designated 501(c)(3) status nonprofit organization.


The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement or affiliation.  Any open source, licensed, or personal military imagery contained on this website is expressly for the purpose of clarifying our personal history and experience, and in no way connotes coordination, control, endorsement, or other affiliation with the DoD.

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